Why is the Soffit Vent System by Moisture Flow® Necessary?

Why is the Soffit Vent System by Moisture Flow® Necessary?

The unique difference that distinguishes the Soffit Vent by Moisture Flow® from other soffit vents is its patented design and function. It is a class of its own and considered the Gold Standard of Venting a bathroom exhaust fan using the soffit. It is the only patented soffit vent capable of separating the warm air from cooler air within the passive airflow of a soffit. The soffit’s purpose is to intake the attic’s circulation of the supply of cool fresh air. it is how the attic stays cool and dry. 

The International Code Council (ICC) and State and Local Building Code any bathroom with a tub or shower are mandatory to install an exhaust that vents to the exterior. None of the Building Codes regulate the type of soffit vents that you used in the soffit. Their position is “Let the Buyer Beware!” All they require is that the exhaust fan vents to the exterior. Whether the soffit vent works or not is not their concern. Their solution was to create regulations for the Remediation industry that has become a billion-dollar industry. The manufacturers of the soffit vents can continue to supply the market with inadequate products at the consumer’s expense.

In 1991, several Icons in the Home Improvement and Remodeling through Nationally Syndicated Programs exposed the dangers of venting a bathroom exhaust into the soffit. One of the most followed contractors was Tom Silva of “This Old  House” with his videosAnother icon was Henri de Marne, “About This House” Columnist also informed his readers of the effects of venting into the soffit and the harm it would it do.

Tom Silva through his syndicated weekly shows and his publications reached over 6 million people a month. Tom Silva’s reproach of the soffit vent in the video below was causing mold in the attic in 1991. Today 30 years later the use of this soffit vent and the dozens like it are still causing mold in the attic.  The only difference is to remediate the mold and the repairs cost a lot more today are much more expensive! For the first time, The Soffit Vent by Moisture Flow® allows homeowners and builders to vent the exhaust fan through the soffit without having the moist air carried back into the attic.