4Dimensional Real Estate Solutions Testimonial

4Dimensional Real Estate Solutions Testimonial

RE: Soffit Vent
Dear Richard:
Having over 25 years of experience in all facets of real estate, I wanted to let you know that I think the Soffit Vent is one of the best building products to hit the market in a long time. With mold being such a problem, the ability to remove moisture from the attic where mold can cause extensive damage to a home, the Soffit Vent is an inexpensive way to help eliminate this problem. If this had been available during the development of the King Farm, where we constructed over 4,000 homes, we would have installed the Soffit Vent in every home that we built. I am encouraging all my home building colleagues to use the Soffit Vent and I intend to incorporate the Soffit Vent into all the new and renovation projects that I am involved with.

Thank you for bringing the Soffit Vent to my attention.

Gary Edell

President, 4 Dimensional Real Estate Solutions