A Preemptive Measure That Stops Mold and Moisture Damage in the Attic

A Preemptive Measure That Stops Mold and Moisture Damage in the Attic

The Soffit Vent by Moisture Flow® is a preemptive measure guaranteed to STOP mold, moisture damage. Over time it will cause mold contamination throughout the home.

This Soffit Venting System was conceptually designed based on physics of the dynamic airflow for a bathroom exhaust fan system when venting to the exterior using the soffit.

The Soffit Vent by Moisture Flow® is a patented design that releases the moist air outside the soffit’s passive airflow. It is the only venting system that separates the moist air extracted from the bathroom exhaust fan that vents directly into the passive airflow of the soffit.

The soffit’s passive airflow is for the intake of the attic’s circulation supply of fresh air to keep it cool and dry. All the other soffit vents placed in the soffit releases the extracted moist air from the exhaust fan directly into the soffit’s passive airflow and back drafted into the attic.

For 40 years, manufacturers have been offering homeowners and builders a soffit vent that is the cause of the problem instead of solving a problem. It has been a longstanding problem that has never been addressed, given the building industry a black eye. In the USA, we spend billions of dollars annually to repair mold and moisture damage in the attic and mold contamination.

The Soffit Vent System is Code Compliant and has an unlimited lifetime warranty with a NO Risk Money-Back Guarantee.

The Soffit Vent is easy to install, efficient, and cost-effective, offering homeowners and builders a safe way to vent a bathroom exhaust using the soffit.

The Soffit Vent by Moisture Flow® works the same way as a car’s exhaust system tailpipe, preventing the toxic fumes from being carried back into the car’s cabin.