A Homeowners Most Valuable Asset Is His Health And Home

A Homeowners Most Valuable Asset Is His Health And Home

Got Mold? a company specializing in Clear Air Quality, published an article on October 25, 2012, titled “Mold Damage Costs More Than Half A Trillion Dollars Per Year!” Other recorded data from the EPA, governmental agencies, and specialized accredited companies have never correctly addressed this long-standing problem in almost 30 years.

If the International Code Council, State & Local Building Codes had done their due diligence, there would not be the need for the Soffit Vent by Moisture Flow®. Instead, they have turned a blind eye to the manufacturers supplying the market with over 30 million inferior soffit vents using the remediation companies to clean up the mess.

Today’s most important concern is the environment and Clean Air Quality. Moisture Flow® is a company that takes this to heart. We are committed to offering the consumers products that solve a problem instead of causing a dilemma. Our goal is to replace inadequate products and poor practices that have a detrimental effect on their health or home. A person’s most valuable assets are their health and home; unfortunately, it is a proven fact that you can only count on yourself.